1. Further MTD guidance published

In response to calls for additional clarity from businesses and their representatives, HMRC have published further information on Making Tax Digital (MTD) to support them with preparation in the run up to the start of the mandatory MTD VAT service from April 2019.

The guidance includes:

As part of MTD, businesses registered for VAT with a taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold of £85,000 will need to keep VAT records digitally and file their VAT returns using MTD compatible software. This will start from their first VAT period starting on or after 1 April 2019. Businesses with a taxable turnover below the VAT threshold will not have to operate MTD, but can still choose to do so voluntarily.

Businesses above the VAT threshold are not required to use MTD for their VAT returns until April 2019 but HMRC have already started piloting the changes with small numbers of invited businesses and agents. This will be widened out to allow more to join later this year. In the meantime, businesses can start to prepare now by ensuring they are keeping their records digitally and in accordance with the rules set out in the Notice.

  1. Saving tax with simplified expenses

Certain sole traders and partnerships may benefit from using HMRC's simplified expenses regime to calculate business expenses for vehicles, working from home and living on the business premises.

Currently, businesses can either calculate expenses by working out the actual costs, or use HMRC's published flat rates

HMRC's checker can be used to work out which method will produce the most favourable result.

The checker asks the user to make estimates about some of their business expenses.

However, the tool:

The checker cannot be used for vehicle expenses if:

Current rates

HMRC-approved rates under the simplified expenses regime are currently as follows:


Working from home

To be used where the taxpayer works for 25 hours or more a month from home.

Living at business premises

A small number of businesses use their business premises as their home, e.g. a guesthouse, bed and breakfast or small care home.  Under simplified expenses, the taxpayer calculates the total expenses for the premises, then uses the flat rates below to subtract an amount for personal use of the premises, based on the number of people living on the premises, and claims the rest as business expenses.

For example, a couple run a bed and breakfast and live there the entire year. Overall business premises expenses are £15,000.

Simplified expenses calculation:

Flat rate: 12 months x £500 per month = £6,000

The couple can claim can claim:

£15,000 - £6,000 = £9,000

Further information on simplified expenses can be found on the HMRC website.



  1. HMRC update trust registration guidance

HMRC have updated guidance on registering a client trust to clarify which types of trust must be registered and the deadlines for registering.

The online guidance - Register your client's trust - explains how tax agents with client trusts with a tax liability can register online. The guidance has recently been updated to show the types of trust that must be registered and the deadlines for doing so.

The guidance refers to an 'express trust', which, broadly, is an arrangement where there is a clear and expressed intention to create a trust. It is usually created by a written document (a trust deed).

Registration deadlines for each tax a trust might be liable to are as follows:


A trust has a new tax liability for income tax in 2018/19 must be registered by 5 October 2019.

A trust has a tax liability for Stamp Duty Land Tax in 2018/19 must be registered by 31 January 2020.


The lead trustee may have to pay a penalty if they do not register the trust before the registration deadline.

If they do not register or update the information, and cannot show HMRC that they took reasonable steps to do so, the penalties are:

Penalties will not be issued automatically and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

HMRC will also take into account that tax year 2017/18 is the first year that trustees and agents have had to meet the new registration obligations.


  1. Finance Bill 2018-19

Measures to help taxi drivers to buy cleaner vehicles, remove barriers for investment in the oil and gas industry, and tackle tax avoidance using profit fragmentation are just some of the key policies that will be legislated for in the Finance Bill 2018-19, which was published in draft on 6 July 2018.

Under the Government's new timetable, the draft legislation has been published now for consultation purposes until 31 August 2018. It will become Finance Act 2019, when it receives Royal Assent in March 2019, so the new law can take effect from 1 April 2019 or a later date.

The draft provisions could of course be subject to changes announced in the Budget in November 2018, or as a result of representations made during the consultation period.

HMRC have published a list of supporting documents for the Bill, which groups together the draft provisions, explanatory note and the technical note for each policy change.


Questions and answers:

Q. As a landlord with several rental properties, is there anything I should be considering to help mitigate the impact of the restrictions on mortgage interest relief?

A: Restrictions on the amount of income tax relief certain landlords can obtain on residential property finance costs (such as mortgage interest) are currently being phased in (over four years starting from 6 April 2017).

Deductions for finance costs related to residential property will be restricted as follows:

In order to mitigate the impact of these restrictions, you may wish to consider the following actions:

Professional and legal advice is of course, strongly recommended before making any changes.

Q. I am considering buying an all-electric vehicle, which I would use to travel to and from work. If my employer installs a charging point at work, will this be a benefit-in-kind for tax purposes?

A: Where an employer provides facilities for charging their employees' all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles at the workplace, this is currently treated as a taxable benefit-in -kind subject to income tax for employees and employer Class 1A National Insurance contributions.

However, the government announced in Autumn Budget 2017 that it would introduce an exemption to remove any income tax or NIC liability for charging electric vehicles at work with effect from 6 April 2018. The draft legislation is contained in Finance Bill 2018-19 and is under consultation until 31 August 2018.

There is already an exemption for the provision of charging facilities which applies to taxable cars and vans.

Q. My company borrowed money from another private company, but the loan has now been written off because the lender company has been dissolved. What are the tax implications of this write-off?

A: A company will have a trading loan relationship, as a borrower, if it entered into the loan relationship because of its trade. So, for example, a loan taken out to purchase machinery for a manufacturing trade, or to finance an expansion of its trade, will be a trading loan relationship.

Debits and credits arising from a trading loan relationship for an accounting period, are

The legislation provides that any debit may be deducted in the computation of trading profits, regardless of whether it relates to capital or income or would otherwise be disallowed by CTA 2009, s 54 (the 'wholly and exclusively' rule).

In most cases, if the companies are connected, there will be no tax implications for your company. However, if the companies are not connected, your company will be subject to tax for the amount of the write-off.

For further guidance on the loan relationship rules for connected parties, see the HMRC Corporate Finance Manual at CFM35320.

August 2018 key tax dates

2 - Deadline for PAYE settlement agreement for 2017/18

19/22 - PAYE/NIC, student loan and CIS deductions due for month to 5/8/2018