How to Make 3109% More Sales!

Hello %%First Name%%

This amazing statistic comes from some research carried out into the sales process, and I thought it would be helpful to share with you, how that's possible.

Your prospect may have decided "NO" but it’s also quite possible they haven't made their mind up or aren't yet ready to buy. If this is the case, continual follow up can dramatically increase the level of your business sales.

It just involves keeping in contact with the prospect until they are ready to say "YES". So few people do follow up correctly. It doesn’t mean hard pushy sales but just following up in a helpful way to help your customers make the right decision for them.

Research suggests that 73% of prospects say "NO" or to be more accurate they say "Not at the moment" at least 5 times before saying yes. Conversely, 92% of businesses give up before the 5th "NO".

This therefore means...

  • the 8% who go beyond the 5th contact get 73% of the sales between them
  • the remaining 92% are left with the remaining 27%

If you crunch the numbers it means that those who make 5 or more contacts gain 3109% more sales - WOW!

Contact can me made in many ways, such as a phone call, email, letter, etc. The reason for the contact doesn't have to be to directly ask for the sale. Giving tips, newsletters, a special report you've written, a copy of a press article that is relevant, etc can all help to keep in contact, provide value to your potential customer and so build your credibility.

Systematising this process will help ensure it gets done but listen to anything your potential customer says about what is appropriate for the them.

To discuss this or for any of your accountancy and tax needs, please give me a call. I'm very happy to visit you without charge for a consultation to discuss how we could help you further.